This coming week is National Veterans History Project Week , as per a new U-S House resolution.
Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) says Veterans Day and the following week is a great opportunity to get the word out about the oral history project and increase participation.
The La Crosse Democrat says, we're losing too many of our military veterans every day, along with their valuable memories of service.
"We're losing 1,600 a day, so time is of the essence. And when they pass away it's like they take a library of memories serving our country with them."
The Veterans History Project uses volunteer interviewers to record veterans' stories. Or, Kind says, it doesn't have to be difficult. Family members can simply grab the video recorder and let it roll.
"You know this is a great opportunity, with Veterans Day coming up just around the corner, to reach out to the veterans in our lives … family members, friends, neighbors. Sit down with them across the kitchen table and record their oral history."
Kind says it's a great tribute and honor to our veterans, but it's also proving to be a valuable resource for future generations.
"I can tell you stories of family members coming up to me and saying 'Geez, I wish I would have while they were still alive' or those who are now saying 'I'm glad I did.'"
The records are stored at the Library of Congress, which digitizes many interviews and makes them available on the Internet. ( ) Kind says over the past seven years, they've already gotten over 50-thousand submissions.