A state lawmaker is hoping for some last minute changes to legislation deregulating the cable industry.
Theproposed Video Competition Act is up for a final vote in the Assemblylater today, and State Representative Gary Hebl (D-Sun Prairie) plansto offer several amendments to the bill. Hebl, a major opponent of thelegislation, says it needs serious fixing before it's sent on to theGovernor.
Hebl's main priority during Tuesday's debate will be toadd additional consumer protections to the Act. He says Wisconsinshould follow Illinois' lead. That state passed nearly 18 pages ofadditional protections with its version of the bill.
Hebl hasseveral other amendments he plans to offer in the Assembly. Theyinclude giving local governments more power under franchise agreements,raising the fees video providers must pay the state, and opening thedoor for negotiations to end the stand off between cable providers andthe Big Ten Network.
The legislation has already passed the Assembly once, but lawmakers are being asked to approve changes made in the state Senate.