A close call for a Wisconsin State Trooper is prompting a reminder about the state’s Move Over Law.

The state Department of Transportation says Trooper Jim Reese had stopped a driver for speeding last Friday morning on I-43 in Sheboygan County. While the Trooper was walking back to his vehicle along the side of the road, a semi drifted on to the shoulder and hit the side of his cruiser.

The DOT released dash cam video of the incident, which shows the officer jumping out of the way as the semi hit his car. The semi driver was ticketed for inattentive driving and failure to move over.

A Wisconsin law requires drivers to move over or slow down when they approach law enforcement or other emergency and highway maintenance vehicles that are parked on the side of the road. State Patrol Captain Nick Scorcio says the failure of motorists to observe that law is one of the major reasons that motor vehicle crashes kill more law enforcement officers on duty than any other cause.

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