A Republican legislative leader says the recall election process needs to be changed. State Representative Robin Vos says they’ve gotten to be “frivolous,” and it’s costing taxpayers a lot of money.

The Racine County Republican has a proposal that requires an elected official to have either violated the law or ethics code. Not, he says, just disagreement with legislation which Democrats and unions have over collective bargaining restrictions adopted last year by Governor Walker and Republican lawmakers.

He says being under the “constant threat” of a recall may cause legislators to avoid making tough but necessary decisions. “We are at a time in our nation’s history where we need people to make courageous decisions.”

Vos, who co-chairs the Joint Finance Committee, says taxpayers should be outraged that the estimated cost of the expected recall of Governor Walker this year is $9 million and it could double if there’s a primary.

State Democratic Party Chairman Mike Tate defends the expense, calling it a “down payment” for Wisconsin’s future.

Vos’ proposed Constitutional Amendment would take at least a couple of years to pass, and would not affect this year’s expected recalls.

John Colbert-WIBA


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