WalkerFile2Governor Scott Walker promises to hold the line on property taxes. If he’s reelected in November, Walker says property taxes will be no higher in another four years. “Just as property taxes will be lower this December than they were in 2010, the same can be said in 2018,” Walker said.

Walker’s commitment before the Wisconsin Realtors Association meeting in Madison was short on specifics – although he indicated taxes on the average home would be about a dollar less in 2018 than on bills mailed out this December.

“We may go further than that, but we’re saying at a minimum it’s going to be just below where it was at in ’14, which is significantly below where it was at in ’10. We’d like to chip at it more, but we think that’s a pretty firm commitment,” he said.

Walker noted that property taxes increased some 27 percent in the ten years before he took office. He said he’s also not aware of any neighboring states offering similar property tax relief.


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