Walker talks to reporters (FILE PHOTO: Jackie Johnson)

Walker talks to reporters (FILE PHOTO: Jackie Johnson)

In his campaign ad, Governor Scott Walker talks directly into the camera about the “agonizing decision” some people have to make on whether to terminate a pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood denounces the ad, saying the governor is anti-women.

In his defense, Walker says Republicans have actually increased safety for women as well as access to public health. He says the opposition has run political ads that have “tried to spin what the legislation may or may not be,” but Walker says his message is pretty straight forward. “It’s about increasing public safety and about providing a woman more information about her options.” Walker adds, “That’s what the law does. The bill is pretty clear. The final decision is ultimately left to a woman and her doctor.”

An anti-abortion bill Walker signed last year requires, among other things, mandatory ultrasounds before an abortion. Planned Parenthood says the governor hurt women’s health by cutting funds and restricting access to abortions and birth control. Five Planned Parenthood health clinics had to be closed in the past two years as a result of funding cuts by Republicans.

Walker explains the money is shifted to other less controversial facilities that help women. “I think those areas that are much more acceptable to the public and they don’t come with the same controversy. We still provide access to health and intervention for women when it comes to women’s health, but through places like public health departments at the county level.”

AUDIO: Walker says his position is pretty clear. :33

An ad created by Emily’s List claims, “Scott Walker wants to make all abortions illegal, even in cases of rape and incest.”

The governor had previously stated his opposition to abortion — even in extreme circumstances — but when questioned on Wednesday, he would only say that he’s “pro-life.”

Walker says his critics “largely come from Washington” pushing their agenda.

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