Efforts designed to help in the battle with heroin are now law in Wisconsin. The bills were authored by state Representative John Nygren, a Marinette Republican with a personal stake in the issue.
“My daughter Cassie has been addicted to heroin for a number of years,” Nygren said. “We’ve had struggles like a lot of families have had. I’ve heard from families throughout the state who’ve often had similar stories and often more tragic stories.”
The package was dubbed the HOPE agenda, for Heroin Opiate Prevention and Education.
The bills grant limited immunity to encourage witnesses who report overdoses, allow medical personnel administer an antidote, and provide grant money for diversion programs and to boost prescription drug disposal programs.
Governor Scott Walker acknowledged that Nygren’s efforts address growing needs, as the state grapples with a heroin epidemic. “We know if you don’t treat the addiction, particularly with heroin, they’re going to be right back there again.”