Governor Scott Walker is reacting to the high amount of turnover in the Wisconsin Legislature – and using the occasion to make another comparison between Wisconsin and Illinois. There are seven open seats in the Senate, and that’s the most in almost 60 years. The total is over 20 in the Assembly, and that hasn’t happened since 1982.”You’ve got a number of members who’ve been there a long time and for them it’s the right time to retire, and you’ve got even some members who are relatively new but who are really looking at the spirit of the early founders of this country and of the settlers of this state, that it’s not a lifetime appointment,” Walker said during a stop Monday at Team Industries in Kaukauna.
AUDIO: Governor Scott Walker (:37)
“In Illinois, one of the big issues statewide is about term limits. That’s not an issue here in Wisconsin, because unlike Illinois, we’ve got people who are willing to serve and then go back to their communities and continue to serve in other capacities,” Walker said. “That’s part of the reason why we’re much more aggressive when it comes to reform than states like Illinois, because we don’t have that many lifetime-type appointments.”