A government watchdog says the current budget impasse is a perfect illustration of the hyper-partisanship going on at the capitol.
That's according to Mike McCabe of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, who also says we've lost the moderates who used to be good at brokering a compromise. That's why he's gathering up members of the People's Legislature to "storm for reform."
"Because we've got a legislature that's been deadlocked for some time on a state budget, and that stalemate on the budget is preventing lawmakers from dealing with any of the other problems that people in Wisconsin want them to deal with."
McCabe says before lawmakers address significant issues, like healthcare, environmental issues or education, they need to address the underlying causes of the dysfunction in our legislature. He says part of that has to do with the way elections are financed and the way lawmakers draw their own districts to ensure their reelection. McCabe says there's not a lot of governing going on at the capitol.
"There's a lot of politicking; there's a lot of posturing; there's a lot of speechifying; there's a lot of posing in a way they hope will make them look good come the next election, but there's not a lot of governing being done. Part of what's involved in governing is being willing to deal with the people on the other side and cross party lines, and they're doing a miserable job of that."
McCabe says lawmakers are using the budget impasse as a fundraising tool instead of doing their jobs and adopting a budget. So, he's going to be calling on Governor to keep his promise and ask for a special session of the legislature for Campaign Finance Reform.
NOTE: The People's Legislature will rally at the state capitol at noon on Tuesday. Participants are urged to bring pots and pans to bang on.