Six thirsty central Wisconsin communities will be able to tap into Wausau’s water. Wausau notified the six communities of their intent to sell water via a yet-to-be built pipeline along Highway 29. Abbotsford public works administrator Bill Beil says his city desperately needs a new source of water. “We’ve got to have more water, and we think that this is the best source,” says Beil. “Everybody can’t be drilling twelve, thirteen, fourteen wells. It’s insane.”
AUDIO: Matt Lehman reports (:35 MP3)
The Department of Natural Resources has mandated that Abbotsford find a new supply before April. If that doesn’t happen, Biles believes the city would have to start water rationing. The water the communities get would not be their primary source, but would only supplement what they need.
The next step is to find enough money to pay for the pipeline. Beild doesn’t think that will be a problem, since some sources have already verbally committed to spending money. Joining Abbotsford in buying Wausau’s water would be Colby, Edgar, Marathon City, Marshfield, and Spencer.
WSAU’s Matt Lehman submitted this report