After reaching a record high the Wisconsin River is expected to begin dropping, meantime the state DNR says continues to monitor a weakened sand levee. There was a partial breach in the levee on Sunday near the Columbia County community of Portage.
Agency Spokesman Greg Matthews tells WIBA the more than 100-year-old structure “a relic,” and is surprised it’s lasted this long. Matthews says they are cautiously optimistic there will not be a breach or collapse of during this flood event. “If we can get through today then I’ll be really optimistic,” he adds.
The river hit a record high 20.5 feet, well above flood stage of about 17-and-a-half feet. Many have evacuated the Blackhawk Park area near Portage since floodwaters began to rise.
Central Wisconsin is not the only region battling floods. In La Crosse, the Mississippi River is about a foot above its flood stage with moderate flooding expected until Saturday.
Downstream, the Mississippi is expected to go over its banks today at McGregor, Iowa near Prairie du Chien. Moderate flooding is expected at least into the weekend. The Chippewa River at Durand remains over its flood stage today, along with the Black River at Galesville and the Trempealeau River at Dodge.