A Wisconsin company announces a deal with a leading hospital in China.

Governor Jim Doyle is set to help launch the new and advanced Hi-Art radiation system. Doyle will join officials from Madison-based TomoTherapy at PLA-301 – one of the most respected hospitals in China — during his upcoming Asian Trade Mission next week in Beijing.

"We have been a strong manufacturing state over many, many years, and we're going to continue to be a strong manufacturing state, but we understand that our future, really, in manufacturing lies in high-end manufacturing."

Doyle says China and Wisconsin are already great trade partners. China is the third-largest export market overall, behind Canada and Mexico.  And a new report from the state Commerce Department highlights the opportunities in China for Wisconsin businesses.

"Since my first trade mission to China in 2004, Wisconsin's exports to China have increased by 116%."

Doyle says the report has more good news for Wisconsin businesses.

"Wisconsin's economy is well-positioned to export products that China needs to fuel its economic growth."

The state-of-the-art radiation system is touted as allowing for better patient planning, more accurate delivery of radiotherapy, better dosage control, and fewer side effects. This deal marks TomoTherapy's first sale in the Chinese market. The Hi-Art system sells for approximately $3-million.

NOTE: Wisconsin's exports to China in 2006 totaled $870-million — a 29% increase from the year before. Another recent export deal involves the Oshkosh Truck Corporation.

AUDIO: Jackie Johnson report (1:50 MP3)

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