Leaders at the state Democratic Party of Wisconsin had hoped for high turnout numbers — thought to be to their advantage.
County clerks reported record turnout across the state on Election Day, but that did not give Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke the win.
Following Burke’s concession speech, party chair Mike Tate said his party simply didn’t have enough votes to tip the scales in their favor. “Something that we need to remember is … despite as divided as everyone really is, there still are an awful lot of independents in Wisconsin and I think that it’s still is about the independent vote.”
Wisconsin had record turnout for a regular gubernatorial election. What could Democrats have done better?
“You know, listen, that’s not my job and I’m not gonna go back and try to re-litigate anything,” said Tate. “I think Mary Burke ran a great campaign. I think Sue Happ ran a great campaign. I’m proud of the work she did. I’m proud of the work all the Democrats up and down the ticket did.”
Tate said a lot of people stood in line to cast their ballot. “You know, it’s good when more people participate in the process. We just have to make sure we’re going out there and articulating our message. I thought Mary did a great job of that. Scott Walker did maybe a little bit better.
Tate had made some pretty harsh comments during the state Democratic party convention in Appleton in 2012. “Scott Walker will see the inside of a jail cell before he sees the inside of another term.”
Of Tuesdays election, Tate said the results weren’t what he hoped for, but the people have spoken. Tate congratulates Governor Walker and the Republican Party of Wisconsin on their victory. “We also congratulate and thank Mary Burke for running a spirited, ideas-driven campaign that we can all be proud of.”
Republican Governor Scott Walker defeated Democrat Mary Burke by more than 5 points. Republicans won the attorney general’s office and kept the majority in the legislature.