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State election officials say clerks around Wisconsin have been reporting heavier than normal voter turnout at polling places, although there have no major problems reported.

Government Accountability Board director Kevin Kennedy says there have been “anecdotal reports of heavy turnout,” also noting that any problems have been relatively minor. Those problems include reports of political signs being too close to polling places, voter registration issues, and some voters being asked to show and ID when one is not required.

Kennedy projected turnout for the November 4 election would be about 2.5 million residents, about 56.5 percent of the eligible voters in Wisconsin. While the state is not able to track turnout in real time, Kennedy says “based on what we’re hearing from clerks, we are on track.”

The polls are open in Wisconsin tonight until 8 p.m. WRN reporters are out in the field with the candidates tonight. Follow @abeckettwrn on Twitter for updates from Governor Scott Walker’s campaign and @MissPronouncer for updates from Democrat Mary Burke’s campaign.

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