The Wisconsin Elections Commission has created a new question-and-answer section on its website to dispel misinformation about the November election.
“I think there are a lot of people who maybe haven’t been paying as much attention to the nuts and bolts of elections in the past, who are now are hearing things and they say ‘well gee, how does this work? How could this possibly happen?’ And it’s our job to explain these things to them,” said Reid Magney, public information officer for the Elections Commission.
Questions answered include:
· What did the WEC tell clerks about fixing problems with witness addresses on absentee ballot certificates?
· Why did so many absentee ballots at the recount have the same initials on them?
· Why did Milwaukee County report so many ballots for Democrats in the middle of the night?
· Did Dominion voting equipment flip votes from Trump to Biden?
· Did Wisconsin clerks issue 70,000 absentee ballots to voters without an application?
· Did 200,000 people vote without a photo ID?
· Why did WEC allow clerks to use drop boxes for absentee ballots?
· Did the pens or markers used by some voters prevent their ballots from being counted?
· Did WEC refuse to follow the law and remove ineligible voters?
· Election night results on TV changed – does that mean something’s wrong?
“The questions keep coming in, and it’s very often based on the same kinds of misinformation,” Magney said. “Rather than try to answer each individual question, we thought it would be helpful to put together a section of frequently asked questions, that deal with a lot of these issues.”
The new website section is available at