Wisconsin delegates for Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention are ready to put their support behind Barack Obama.

Senator Clinton will address the convention in Denver later tonight, where she's expected to call on her supporters to help Obama win the presidency in November. Heather Colburn, a Clinton delegate from Madison, says Wisconsin Hillary supporters will take that message to heart. Colburn says Clinton supporters are dedicated to their candidate and will follow through with whatever request she makes for them, including voting for Obama in November.

Still, some Hillary delegates may try to disrupt the nomination process from the convention floor on Thursday night. If that happens, Colburn says the Wisconsin delegation will not be a part of it. She says they recognize the importance of a Democrat winning in November, and such protests would not help that cause.

Obama has had some trouble winning over Clinton supporters; with some saying they'll support John McCain instead. For example, Debra Bartoshevich was a Wisconsin delegate for Clinton, but was stripped of her status by the party after publicly saying she would vote for McCain in November.

After such a heated primary for the Democratic nomination, Colburn says it's understandable that some Hillary supporters don't want to join Obama right away. However, she expects more to come around as we draw closer to the election in November.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:12)

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