Wisconsin is moving closer to universal four-year-old kindergarten. That’s according to the newest numbers from the state Department of Public Instruction, which show that statewide 95 percent of public school districts that provide elementary education offer 4-year-old kindergarten. That’s an increase of five school districts from the previous school year.
DPI Superintendent Tony Evers said the growth in 4K is driven by communities that want to meet the early learning needs of children and their families.
For the 2014-15 school year, 391 public school districts are offering 4K to more than 47,000 students. About 100 of those programs use a community approach to 4K in which the school district, private child care centers, and Head Start centers collaborate to provide services.
“A growing body of research shows that investing in high-quality 4K is good for kids and taxpayers,” Evers said.