A bipartisan panel meets to approve Wisconsin's presidential primary ballot. (Photo: Andrew Beckett)

A bipartisan panel meets to approve Wisconsin’s presidential primary ballot. (Photo: Andrew Beckett)

A bipartisan panel has set the slate of candidates whose names will appear on Wisconsin’s presidential primary ballot in April.

The names of 12 Republicans and three Democrats will appear on their respective party’s primary ballot, when voters head to the polls on April 5. The Republicans approved were Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump. Democrats on the ballot will be Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders.

The names were selected by a group of Democratic and Republican leaders who gathered at the Capitol Tuesday afternoon. The groups consisted largely of party and legislative leaders.

Government Accountability Board director Kevin Kennedy said Wisconsin’s process sets the candidates based on those who are generally recognized by the national media. If a candidate failed to be included, they have the ability to petition for their inclusion until January 26. Kennedy noted the threshold to make it on the ballot that way is high – requiring 1,000 signatures from each of the state’s eight Congressional districts.

If no additional names are added, the approved candidates will be placed on the ballot using a random process after the January 26 deadline has passed. If a candidate drops out of the race after that point, they will still appear on the ballot during the primary.

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