A Sheboygan County woman was among the 31 injured when an Army psychiatrist opened fire at Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, killing 12 others. Her mother said 19-year-old Amber Bahr of Random Lake was in stable condition at a hospital, after being shot in the abdomen. Lisa Pfund said the only thing she knew what that her daughter was shot in the belly and she was getting upset because she couldn’t get more details. Bahr joined the Army Reserves at age 17, and was saving money for college.

The attack is being called the worst mass shooting ever at a U-S military base. The gunman was identified as 39-year-old Major Nidal Hasan of Virginia, who’s been in the military for eight years. Hasan was first reported to be killed. But he was hospitalized in stable condition at last word under a military guard. Officials said Hasan targeted a ceremony at a base readiness center. A motive has not been disclosed.

Hasan was about to be deployed overseas. Media reports said he was transferred to Fort Hood in July after getting a poor performance evaluation while working at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. A co-worker told Fox News that Hasan opposed U-S involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. But while he realized that soldiers must follow orders, he hoped President Obama would order a pull-out by now.

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