Wisconsin’s ‘dirtiest’ power plants, and other coal-fired plants across the nation, are the largest source of carbon pollution. According to a report from the group Wisconsin Environment, a nationwide study identifies the most polluting plant in Wisconsin is the Columbia Energy Center near Portage owned by Wisconsin Power and Light and Madison Gas and Electric. It’s also ranked as the 88th dirtiest plant in the U.S.

“Power plants here in Wisconsin are our largest single source of carbon pollution,” said Katie Siegner, field associate for Wisconsin Environment. “They currently have no federal limits on the amount of carbon they can emit every year.”

Rounding out the top five are Wisconsin Electric Power’s Pleasant Prairie plant, Wisconsin Public Service’s Weston plant, Wisconsin Electric Power’s South Oak Creek station, and Wisconsin Power and Light’s Edgewater generating station.

President Barack Obama has issued recommendations on reducing carbon emissions earlier this year. “Our main recommendation is that his plan needs to be implemented as boldly and swiftly as possible.”

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