The head of the DNR got an earful on predators this week. It was one of the secondary topics which came up, when DNR Secretary Matt Frank went before legislative committees this week. Representative Amy Sue Vruwink told Frank that wolves have started to show up in her central Wisconsin district. “Some people deny that we have wolves in central Wisconsin,” Vruwink said. “But the more and more that my constituents contact me, and have sitings, I hope the DNR is listening to these people.”
“Hunters have reported this, we believe it’s happening,” said Frank of predation on the deer herd by wolves and other predators. “Our bear population is up, the wolf population is over population, coyotes are on the landscape, and we need to increase our understanding of what impact that’s having.” Frank noted that wolves are still primarily a federal responsibility, he hoped that research can provide the DNR, and hunters, with some answers.
State Representative Mary Williams told Fran that her husband was “watched” by two wolves while hunting this fall, something she called “a little scary.”
Bob Hague (:60 MP3) AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)