Burke_MaryThe critique on Governor Scott Walker’s State of the State Address from Democratic candidate for governor Mary Burke? The former Trek Bicycle executive and Commerce secretary says the state’s debt has increased by $1.2 billion under Walker, and his ‘blueprint for prosperity’ will actually increase the state’s structural deficit.

“I think it’s just irresponsible, and pretty much is mortgaging and borrowing to spend more money now,” said Burke.

As for tax relief, Burke concedes it’s needed, but maintains the property tax cut ought to be more narrowly focused then what Walker is proposing. “The relief that Walker outlined was more oriented to all property tax payers, not just and families and households,” she said. “I would change that, so that it’s households that are receiving that.”

Burke says she supports the need for increased worker training, but didn’t hear anything from Walker about creating new jobs. She says Wisconsin continues to lag behind other states on job creation – a major campaign promise by Walker when he was elected governor.


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