071316ClintonTrumpDemocratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton continues to lead Republican nominee Donald Trump among registered voters in Wisconsin.

The latest Marquette University Law School poll released Wednesday shows Clinton with a 46-36 percent advantage among registered voters. When the poll looked at voters likely to cast a ballot in November, the numbers show a 52-37 percent lead for Clinton.

The results represent a jump for Clinton in Wisconsin, compared to the last Marquette poll conducted at the beginning of July. In that poll, Clinton led Trump 43-37 percent among registered voters and 45-41 percent among likely voters.

When the matchup is expanded to a four-way race between Clinton, Trump, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Clinton led with 42 percent, while Trump was a 33 percent, Johnson was at 10 percent, Stein was at four percent, and 11 percent of respondents said they would vote for none of the candidates. Clinton’s lead climbed to 47 percent when only likely voters were considered.

The poll was conducted August 4-7, after both parties held their national conventions.

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