City councilors in Superior are calling on the city’s mayor to retract a statement he made on Facebook. Mayor Bruce Hagen’s comment was in regards to a picture of Michelle Obama, which had been posted by one of the mayor’s friends. The comment reads, “She and her Muslim partner have destroyed the fabric of our democracy that was so very hard fought for.”

When asked by KDLH Channel 3 why he referred to President Barack Obama as a Muslim, Mayor Hagen responded that he and many others believe that the President is not a Christian and noted that the nation was founded on Christian values. He adds that he doesn’t agree with most of President Obama’s policies.

Councilor Graham Garfield and some of his colleagues want Hagen to retract his statement, or resign. If he doesn’t, they say they’ll push for a citywide recall. When reached by KDAL, Hagen said he plans to hold a press conference Wednesday morning at Superior City Hall.


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