The state Department of Justice is investigating emails sent to members of the election board by an attorney for the Doyle campaign regarding the Mark Green federal funds case.

Mike Bauer in the Attorney General's confirms the investigation saying DOJ is reviewing emails and any other contacts made to make sure the Elections Board was in compliance with the state open meetings law.

Bauer says it's not so much what the Doyle campaign attorney said to the elections board members but how many he contacted. Did he persuade a majority on how to vote in the Mark Green federal funds transfer case before they actually met in public session? Published reports say he emailed three democrats on the board and if that's the case, Bauer says, that would not likely be illegal.

A judge will rule Monday whether Republican Mark Green violated state election laws by transferring money raised through out of state PACS top his campaign for governor.-
dojva092206.mp3 (445k)

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