Wisconsin's education standards are in need of revision — but not as bad as a new study indicates.

The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, a conservative Washington D.C.- based think tank, gives Wisconsin's standards a C grade for English, a D for math and F's for history and science. Tony Evers is deputy state superintendent, with the Department of Public Instruction. He says the foundation has been critical of Wisconsin's state standards, and other state's standards, for years; “to some extent, it wasn't wholly a surprise.” A Fordham Foundation official also charged DPI with “pulling the wool over the eyes” of Wisconsin residents. “I thought that was a stretch,” says Evers.

Evers says DPI is already working on a redo of the state's academic standards, and that DPI has never hid from the “achievement gap” for minority children, and continues to work on that.

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Fordham Foundation

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