The final Marquette Law School poll is in and Joe Biden continues to hold a 5 point lead over President Trump among likely voters.
“With likely voters it’s 48% for Biden, 43% for Trump and 2% for Jorgensen. We still have 8% saying they’ll not vote or they’re undecided or they declined to say who they’re voting for.” Poll director Charles Franklin says that hasn’t changed much.
“We had a 5-point margin three weeks ago and we had a 4-point margin in early September so as we’ve seen since May this has been a very stable race.”
That lead is a much more conservative number than the 9 point lead in the UW-Madison polling or a 17 point lead in the ABC News/Washington Post poll.
Other insights in this poll shows that Biden is now leading among older Wisconsinites. Biden is up a single point over Trump in voters aged 45-59, and leads by five in voters over 60.
Respondents to the poll continue to think that Governor Tony Evers is doing a good job at leading Wisconsin. 50 percent approve while 43 percent disapprove. That number is down slightly from earlier this month.
Wisconsinites are also upset with the Legislature for failing to act. 50 percent of respondents disapprove of the state’s lawmakers, while only 36 percent approve of them.