A U.S. Senator from Wisconsin is denouncing a fellow Republican’s comment on rape. In a televised interview Sunday on KTVI in St. Louis, U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin of Missouri defended his position that abortion should be illegal in all cases, even if a woman was raped.

Akin said in cases of “legitimate rape the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Akin added that there should be some punishment if that fails, but it should be against the rapist and not the child.

The CDC says there are over 32,000 cases of rape a year that result in pregnancy. Democrats and Republicans have both been quick to criticize Akin for making a comment that minimizes the trauma of rape victims.

On both twitter and in a press release, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson said the statement was “reprehensible and inexcusable.” The Wisconsin Republican also called on Akin to drop out of the race so “Missouri Republicans can put forth a candidate that can win in November.”

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (:39)

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