The latest Marquette Law School Poll shows that Wisconsinites haven’t changed their minds much about the Presidential election or impeachment. Respondents to the poll have been holding steady when it comes to head to head matchups between President Trump and all of the main Democrat candidates.

Joe Biden holds a small lead against Trump but that’s within the margin of error. Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg round out the top 4 Democrats for Wisconsin voters.

Forty percent of respondents to the pool say President Trump should be impeached, while 52 percent are opposed. That’s virtually unchanged from last month. 42 percent of respondents said that Trump had done something wrong in regards to the Ukraine scandal, 29 percent say he didn’t. On the election front, The only Democrat to hold a lead over President Trump is Joe Biden, with a 1 percent lead, but that’s within the margin of error. The two have been trading small leads in the pool for the last several months.

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