Newspaper delivery man  Steven Gove came through a bizarre hit-and-run crash last weekend with a mild concussion, and minor cuts and scrapes. Now he’s getting an outpouring of support from the community including the gift of a new 3-speed tricycle from a local business. Gove was struck from behind Saturday night by an alleged drunk driver while riding his 3-wheel bike on the shoulder of the street.

“I flew over the top of the fellow’s car and ended up going through his windshield,” Gove said. “I bear no malice towards the fellow, in fact I forgive him. Apparently he was impaired by alcohol, and I’m sure if he had been sober he wouldn’t have hit me.”

Gove said he was doing everything right that night. “I had my reflective vest on, my front and rear lights were flashing. I did everything except wave my arms and saying ‘I’m here, don’t hit me.'” Gove believes “God was with him that day,” noting that “people have been killed . . . going through windshields.”

He’s received what he termed an “amazing amount of well wishes and generosity.” Gove said he loves delivering newspapers and he’ll be back at it soon. Meanwhile, the 20-year-old man who struck him is awaiting charges.

Damon Ryan, WOMT


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