There's a lot of talk in the gubernatorial campaign these days about PAC's, federal fund transfers and who may or may not be breaking campaign laws. So what does all this mean for the Green-Doyle race?

According to UW-Madison political scientist, Charles Franklin, all this talk about campaign funds may have little impact on the voters who count right now. The undecided. Franklin says they are more likely to throw up their hands and say ” I have no idea what's going on with this”.

Franklin says now that the campaign is in full gear he expects Mark Green would gain some name recognition anyway but the publicity surrounding his campaign money could also help. Including the comparison his campaign makes to Democrat Tom Barrett who was allowed to do the same thing four years ago. Transfer federal money to a state campaign. Franklin says that's not necessarily a good legal argument but an emotional one a candidate can make to voters to get them to feel he's being treated unfairly.

On the same day Green got the news a Dane County judge ruled against him, he appeared with Vice-President Dick Cheney at a time when some candidates are trying to keep their distance. Franklin says Green may not want to have his picture taken with the Vice President for all to see but his campaign is certainly happy to take the republicans' money.
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